First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Email Address
Let's start by telling me about your dream photoshoot.
Be sure to include any specifics you may think of that might help customize a shoot just for you
What types of photo shoots have you been a subject for in the past?
Tell me about your favorite photo session(s) that you have had in the past. What made them so special / exciting.
What kind of locations would be appealing to you for a photo session?
Think of general settings like the country, In the city, or even specific locations that you find appealing like a specific coffee shop, a friends house or even at home.
Have you ever been photographed in a studio before?
When was the last time you participated as a subject in a photo session?
Be sure to include what went well and what you would have like to have seen go better.
What do YOU think are your best physical features and why?
What physical features would you not like as much?
What are three words that describe you.
What Social media do you use on a regular basis?
Check all that apply
What is your comfort level with the following types of photo sessions?
Keep in mind these could be session types that may interest you in the future.
Select all that apply
Artistic / Figure - tasteful in nature but still revealing. Suited primarily for a gallery display
Body Parts - Focuses on specific parts of the body (e.g. hands, lips, legs, back, etc.)
Boudoir - Similar to glamour but generally more suggestive and revealing.
Cosplay - Model is dressed as a charcter from a book or tv show
Fashion (Casual and/or high) - Similar to Glamour, but focused for on the clothing
Fashion (Alternative) - Styles like Steampunk, Gothic, or other genres
Fitness - A mixture of body parts and full body shots that are meant to accent the muscle tone of the individual.
Glamour - Focuses on the model more than the fashion.
Headshot - focuses on person from the shoulders to the top of the head
Implied Nude - Model appears to be, but may not actually be fully or partly nude. Think 'suggestive' not 'revealing'
Lifestyle - General every-day type of activities (e.g. having coffee, reading a book, hanging out with friends, etc.)
Pin-up - Glamour photography with a 'retro' feel.
Sensual - Images that are meant to arouse but no nudity (e.g. Maxim Magazine)
Sports / Action - Sessions where the model is in an active state of play
Swimwear - Typically a beach or pool themed shoot
Other Types not listed above
If "Other", please describe the session type(s):
Be descriptive as to Style / Genre
What is your comfort level with various types of dress?
Select all that apply
Fully Clothed
Strappy T-shirts
Long Dresses / Skirts
Short Dresses / Skirts
Sexy / revealing outfits
Yoga Pants
Not Sure
How good are you with applying your own make-up?
This will help determine the need for a Makup Artist to be on site
Excellent (I can do a variety of looks)
Great (typically one or two types of looks)
Pretty good
Minimal Ability (Not sufficient for a shoot)
I suck at it!
How good are you with styling your own hair?
This will determine the need for a hair stylist to be onsite
Excellent (I can do a variety of looks)
Great (typically one or two types of looks)
Pretty good
Minimal Ability (Not sufficient for a shoot)
I suck at it!
Hair Color
Hair Length
Eye Color
T-Shirt Size
Other than earrings, do you have any other piercings? If Yes, where are they located?
Do you have any tattoos? If so, please describe the type and location.
What are your expectations for your shoot?
Any comments or questions that you would like answered?
Would you be willing to share images to social media from a photo session?
Would you be willing to wear promotional t-shirts outside of a session?
Please acknowledge the following:
Please read each point carefully and click the check box next to each item is you agree:
1) I understand that Christopher Fleck Photography will maintain the copyrights to all images from the session
2) I understand that by being a model for Christopher Fleck Photography, I will receive full resolution images from the photo session in lieu of a monetary payment (i.e. Time-for-Print). These images will be determined by the photographer and WILL NOT include all images taken at the session, just the best images.
3) I understand that images from this shoot will not be used in a defamatory manner.
4) I understand that final images from this shoot will be reviewed by Christopher Fleck and the Model (myself) prior to use in order to determine what will be allowed to be shared on social media for advertising purposes and contest entries.
5) I understand that information given on this form will not be distributed to anyone outside of Christopher Fleck Photography
6) I am 18 years of age or older
By checking this box, you are agreeing to the terms listed above.