To many women, Boudoir photo shoots are a new concept. What do you do to prepare for one? It is not something you do last minute. It is something planned out over a period of time, in some cases months is not uncommon. This allows you time to prepare clothing and to have installments of the session fee rather than paying for it all up front. Maybe you have a goal to lose a little weight or maybe you just need the time to work yourself up to it. Whatever the reason, it is always good to have a plan leading up tot the session
Planning Basics
One of the things that will need to be worked out over the planning period is the types of images that you find beautiful or sexy. Maybe it’s a pose that you would like to try or maybe it is a type of lingerie that you love. It could be the hair or makeup style that you see or even the overall image concept that is appealing. Pinterest is a GREAT tool for this, especially as you can craft private boards that can be shared. I have created some for clients that they can view and add to. It could also be boards that you share with me for some of your ideas as well. Regardless, having this helps provide a huge talk point for us so that we can come into alignment on what kind of looks you are going for.
1-Week Out
Your Boudoir shoot is very likely a once in a lifetime experience or in the least a rare treat, so there are several things you want to do in order to appropriately prepare for your session. These tips will guarantee that the days will be much less stressful leading up to and during your photo shoot and will result in a beautiful set of photos.
Drink plenty of water the night before your shoot. It will keep your body hydrated overnight and will benefit your body the next day.
Hangovers aren’t sexy
We know it’s the weekend, but sacrifices need to be made! You can party after you’re done to celebrate the success of your sexy shoot!
Get enough sleep
No explanation needed here, sleep is very important! Dark bags under your eyes aren't sexy!
Have your manicure and pedicure done
Easiest way to ruin the perfect shot is having chipped nail polish showing up on your images!
Wear loose clothing to your session
Tight clothes will leave deep impression marks on your skin (this includes tight socks) that can take a while to go away.
Pack your outfits, lingerie, and shoes the night before
The last thing you need is to feel rushed and stressed the day of your shoot. A relaxed mind will make the whole experience that much more exhilarating and enjoyable.
Make sure to moisturize & absolutely no fake tanner
Moisturizing will give you a beautiful natural glow. However, make sure to avoid fake tanners at least one week before the shoot.
Try on your outfits before hand
Make sure everything fits properly, it is a must that you feel comfortable in what you bring.
Remove all tags and labels from your outfits
If we have to do this for you it will cut into your photography time.
Iron and use hangers to bring outfits that can wrinkle
Seems obvious but this is often over looked.
Preparing yourself for hair and makeup
If you want to have your hair and makeup styled by us we ask that you arrive to your shoot with clean, dry hair and absolutely no product or spray (this includes any oils.) Do not curl or straighten your hair as this may negatively affect the final look. Have your base foundation applied (make sure it does not contain SPF, it reflects light) and make sure you have no eyeliner or mascara applied.
What to bring!
Bras and matching panties
Black and white are classic and our favorite to photograph, but don't be afraid to bring colorful ones as well. Some more options would be:
1. Bodysuits
2. Garder Belts
3. Stay Ups
4. Corsets / Bustier
5. Baby Dolls
Have a significant other? Grab something of theirs!
This is a fantastic way to personalize your shoot! Sneak out with one of his/her favorite things, and they're going to be pleasantly surprised when they see you sexing it up in your photos. Some examples:
1. Favorite tie
2. Dress shirt (Plain Coloured, ie. White, Black, etc)
3. Sports jersey
4. Baseball cap, or any other wearable.
The importance of shoes
Wearing heels lengthens you, straightens the look of your legs, and overall makes you look and feel sexier. Things to consider:
1. Bring more than one pair
2. Be sure the shoes you bring match with your outfits
3. The soles of your shoes needs to be clean (no tags, stickers, labels or dirt)
4. Keep in mind that 2 inch heels are not high heels!
Lingerie isn't the only thing you could bring
Lingerie is sexy, but sometimes a soft sweater, an oversized shirt or a tight T will look even better!
If you're still stumped on what to bring, let me know and I would be more than happy to give you suggestions based on your body type and shoot theme.