What is the first thing you imaging when you hear the words “boudoir photography?” Do you think of something revolting and taboo? OR do you think of empowering women to love themselves for who they are and becoming confident in themselves?
Boudoir photography is a type of photography that has many women talking lately, and (believe it or not) in a great way! Put simply, Boudoir is a photographic style featuring intimate, sensual and romantic images in a private setting. Many believe that they could not do that type of session because their body isn’t perfect. That feeling is one of the harshest things that society has done to women. Movies, magazines and television have forced women to believe that if they do not fit a certain physical profile that they are not appealing to others. This is FAR FROM THE TRUTH!!!
Every woman in the world is sexy and appealing in their own way. Everyone has a deep need to be appreciated and that appreciation needs to be of their true self, not some fictional person. The best way to do that is building confidence in themselves. In fact, one of my favorite boudoir quotes is, “Confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can wear.” This speaks volumes!
The following are some common statements that I have heard in the past from women in regards to getting their picture taken:
Why would I want to pose for those kinds of pictures?
Simply put, to celebrate YOU!!! Maybe you just hit a milestone birthday. Maybe you just underwent a weight loss journey and want to capture the new you. Maybe you want a special gift for your significant other for them to see you in a new light. Maybe you are tired of the same old routines and want to try something new. There are so many reasons one could want to have a session. They key is looking within to see yours!
I don’t have the body for it.
We are our own worst self critics. Again, don’t believe everything you read and see on TV. There was a beautiful story of a woman who wanted a boudoir session to give to her husband but wanted the photographer to “heavily photoshop” her images to remove her imperfections. However, her husband went back to the photographer and described the heartfelt meaning behind those little imperfections . You can read the story here and be ready to be impressed.
What will my friends say?
As many women do, they love to share with their friends about experiences they have had and this is no different. You would be pleasantly surprised to hear the number of compliments that come your way. From, “you look gorgeous” to “you really did that? How cool!” You might even be surprised at a response of, “I did that before too! Wasn’t it fun?!?!”
Isn’t it weird to be half-naked in from of a stranger?
As a subject, it can definitely be a very new experience to be in situations like this. As a photographer, it is even more nerve racking as you have someone letting their guard down for great images. But, I can assure you that with the right photographers, the experience can be so much fun for both. Prior to a boudoir session, you should always meet face-to-face with your photographer to not only get a level of comfort, but to also address any questions you may have about the session.
In a boudoir session, you should always be put at ease by the photographer. In my case, being a male photographer, I always have a female assistant at the shoot to help with clothing adjustments, stray hairs and so on. That way I am completely hands-off to help you feel more comfortable.
The comfort of the client should always take top priority during a session. In some cases, bringing a friend to the shoot with you can serve as a great way to help make you feel more at ease. Mostly, though, it is creating an environment and a flow with the client
In Conclusion
Boudoir photography can be a very empowering experience for women. A friend of mine once said that EVERY woman should do a photoshoot like that for themselves. The only way we grow is by stepping outside of our comfort zones once in a while. Take the risk and book a photo session. If you are nervous or want to share your experiences I have created a Boudoir VIP group on Facebook for just such conversation.
Be proud of who you are and confident in who you want to be seen as and before you know it, you will be in front of the camera and coming back for more!
Chris Fleck
Christopher Fleck Photography