Shooting the Details

When you look at images of Boudoir, what do you typically notice? For me, it is not just the beautiful, confident woman in the image. It goes well beyond that. It is all of the small details that are being captured in the image. As I have stated before, it it more than the body, it is what is going on in the image as a whole which gives the image feeling and a purpose. And most of the time, it does not even have to be a whole body shot.

Take, for instance, the image above. Just a picture of a woman taking off her jeans, right? However, look closer. The subtle red on her toenails that blend beautifully with the wall art in the background. The gentile bend in the left leg that draws your eye across the image. Even the position of the hands yield a sexy yet innocent look the the image. All of those things combined bring sexiness to the image.

Next, take the following two images:

Shoes 1.jpg

Both are beautiful in their own right. What draws me to these images are the shoes. In Boudoir, there are two ways to go: High Heels (Stilettos preferably) or bare feet. The heels help to give the claves more definition as well as elongate the legs. In this particular case, they style of shoe is almost identical: Black, close-toes stilettos with an ankle strap. But let’s take a closer look at the images to see the story being told…

In the first image, you have a wood floor and a door (possibly french) with the woman fixing the strap on her shoe giving you the thought of rural suburbia or just another woman getting ready for work with one exception: the studs on the back of the heels. That changes the feeling of the image slightly that the woman may be preparing for an evening of excitement and fun. The image is changed by one set of studs. Amazing.

In the second image, you see similar shoes, but this time we are pulled away more. Rather than wood, you see a concrete floor and wall yielding a more edgy look to the image. She is leaning back on a leather chair and her body is posed in such a way that, not only does it draw your eye across the image, but, with the help of the sheer fabric on the wall, the attention is drawn to the shoes. Throughout this image, you are given the overall feeling of sexiness in a different sort of way. Both images give power to the woman which, in boudoir, is very important.


Finally, take this simple shot of a cherry sitting on the woman’s tongue. Just the pose alone lends itself to be sexy! But more than that look at the image as a whole. In this case, the image is High-Key (mostly white or bright). Because of that, the eyes are naturally drawn to the darker parts of the image, mainly the tongue and cherry. Beyond that, the position of the fingers and the cherry help draw the viewer’s image across the picture multiple times, something that should be felt in every image viewed.

So, as you can see, the little details and positions can help an image go from “just a picture” to something artistic and beautiful. Just as lingerie helps a woman feel a certain way (beautiful, sexy or naughty), the subtitle details within an image can also change the perspective of how something (or someone) is being viewed. Look for those details during your next shoot and play to their strengths. You may just find yourself feeling more and more confident!