If you have every watched Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, you will remember one of the best and honest lines in the movie,
“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
Life does move fast. First we are in school then maybe off to college or we get married and before you know it, even your kids are getting ready for graduation. Then we look back and ask ourselves, where in the world did the time go?
During that time, we go through so many different changes. Some are physical, some spiritual, some attitude and some just are seeing the wisdom that your parents may have imparted to us. Regardless of the change, we need to celebrate making it another day and be comfortable with ourselves for who we have become.
Why should you do this? Let’s face it, society has done some pretty nasty things to us. People, especially women, are made to feel that they need to be skinny size zero with a muscular physique and a flawless complexion with hair that flows like the wind. The cruel side effect of this is that people begin to compare and demean themselves because they feel a constant need to compare themselves to those other. They lose the confidence that had inspired them to become who they are. Society has been chipping away at women for a long time and it is only getting worse and I’m here to say…
Fortunately, I am here to say that I can help fix that situation!!!
EVERY woman, every person is a perfectly unique creation that deserves to be admired for who they are and what they have accomplished in their lives. Each of us has gone through so many different struggles in our lives and we need to celebrate the fact that we have persevered through it all! You deserve to be reminded of that every day. Every aspect of YOU deserves to be celebrated.
Maybe you have just had a milestone birthday. Maybe, you have undergone a weight loss journey. Maybe you have just had your third child. Maybe you want to just celebrate being you. Maybe, you want to celebrate with a group of friends that just want to have a good time to remember. Any number of these things are reasons that you should capture the YOU that you are today.
In Boudoir, women have the opportunity to capture themselves in that moment of their life. It is a moment in time that will pass by if you are not careful. It can also be something you look back over the years and relish in the memories that came with the experience or the reactions of your significant other as they saw your images for the first time. Regardless of the reason, a Boudoir shoot can help serve as a reminder of just how fun you can be and grow your confidence to help you feel better about yourself.
Regardless of the time in your life, regardless if you are 21 or 60, regardless of your body type or any other factor, every woman should pamper themselves with a Boudoir shoot at least one time, if not multiple times in their lives to help them feel great about themselves. Take back what society has stolen from you and retake your confidence and self worth. You have worked hard in your life. You deserve to celebrate YOU!!!