The Five Hottest Outfits for a Boudoir Session

Women have so many options these days when it comes to clothing for the bedroom. With so many choices, how does one make the decision on what to bring or what to purchase for their Boudoir session? My answer to that is “Bring many choices and we’ll see what works the best for the setting.” However, there are a few “favorites” that I think EVERY woman should bring to her shoot that, in my mind, should be a staple for any Boudoir shoot. Let’s take a look…


Bra and Panty Set

With many color and style options, a beautiful bra and panty set can set the mood of the image so well. The wonderful thing with these sets is the variety that you can choose from. Wether you are going for a high-class look or for more of an edgy, seductive feel, a bra set should definitely be on your list. Make sure to step it up a notch when you do go for it and chose a bold color or pattern that will bring emotion to the image.



Babydolls provide another excellent choice for any setting. From lacy covering to fully sheer, you can select a look that dials into you desired level of comfort. If you want to challenge yourself, dare to be a bit more provocative and chose a lacy or sheer pattern. Also, the added flow to the garment also provides for additional play when posing.



Bidysuits are probably one of the most versatile outfits that you can add to your collection. Servicing any body type, these are outfits allow the wearer to select from a gambit of options while still laying down that level of comfort that you may be looking for while in front of the camera. From a deep plunging front or a more conservative look, from a thing or g-string to a full bottom, these outfits will help you show off you in the way that YOU want to.


Men’s Dress Shirts

Dress shirts are one of my personal favorites, mainly because it helps incorporate a classy type of sex appeal into the images. White dress shirts are always the best as they lead to many high-key (or very bright) images which are perfect for Boudoir. You can also pair up with a bra and panty set for a more styled look or, if you are feeling daring, wear with just the panties to allow a better capture of the curves your partner enjoys! Need accents? Bring his favorite tie, suit coat or even a hat to help spice things up a bit. Regardless of the reason, it is always good to bring along a white dress shirt. Just be sure that it is oversized for you!



T-shirts are another fantastic thing to bring. Wether it is a Jersey from your or your partner’s favorite sports team or a simple “Batman” shirt, these can lead for some awesome, playful images. Want to go a bit more daring? Then go with a plain white t-shirt or a white tank top and panties to allow for those more risqué images that are bound to catch your partner’s eye! Try to keep imagery on the shirt to a minimum if possible as the idea is to draw the eye to you and not to the shirt. Select something that can be pulled tight to the body, stretched and, if you are feeling confident, add a bit of water to the front for that added playfulness.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, the choice is yours. These ideas are but a few that I find to provide the most diverse imagery. However, there are many more. From full lingerie sets that include stockings and garter belts to just a plain white sheet and nothing else, the options are limitless. Think about what you like to wear. Then take a step out of your comfort zone. I promise you, you (and your partner) will not be disappointed!!!!

Shooting the Details

When you look at images of Boudoir, what do you typically notice? For me, it is not just the beautiful, confident woman in the image. It goes well beyond that. It is all of the small details that are being captured in the image. As I have stated before, it it more than the body, it is what is going on in the image as a whole which gives the image feeling and a purpose. And most of the time, it does not even have to be a whole body shot.

Take, for instance, the image above. Just a picture of a woman taking off her jeans, right? However, look closer. The subtle red on her toenails that blend beautifully with the wall art in the background. The gentile bend in the left leg that draws your eye across the image. Even the position of the hands yield a sexy yet innocent look the the image. All of those things combined bring sexiness to the image.

Next, take the following two images:

Shoes 1.jpg

Both are beautiful in their own right. What draws me to these images are the shoes. In Boudoir, there are two ways to go: High Heels (Stilettos preferably) or bare feet. The heels help to give the claves more definition as well as elongate the legs. In this particular case, they style of shoe is almost identical: Black, close-toes stilettos with an ankle strap. But let’s take a closer look at the images to see the story being told…

In the first image, you have a wood floor and a door (possibly french) with the woman fixing the strap on her shoe giving you the thought of rural suburbia or just another woman getting ready for work with one exception: the studs on the back of the heels. That changes the feeling of the image slightly that the woman may be preparing for an evening of excitement and fun. The image is changed by one set of studs. Amazing.

In the second image, you see similar shoes, but this time we are pulled away more. Rather than wood, you see a concrete floor and wall yielding a more edgy look to the image. She is leaning back on a leather chair and her body is posed in such a way that, not only does it draw your eye across the image, but, with the help of the sheer fabric on the wall, the attention is drawn to the shoes. Throughout this image, you are given the overall feeling of sexiness in a different sort of way. Both images give power to the woman which, in boudoir, is very important.


Finally, take this simple shot of a cherry sitting on the woman’s tongue. Just the pose alone lends itself to be sexy! But more than that look at the image as a whole. In this case, the image is High-Key (mostly white or bright). Because of that, the eyes are naturally drawn to the darker parts of the image, mainly the tongue and cherry. Beyond that, the position of the fingers and the cherry help draw the viewer’s image across the picture multiple times, something that should be felt in every image viewed.

So, as you can see, the little details and positions can help an image go from “just a picture” to something artistic and beautiful. Just as lingerie helps a woman feel a certain way (beautiful, sexy or naughty), the subtitle details within an image can also change the perspective of how something (or someone) is being viewed. Look for those details during your next shoot and play to their strengths. You may just find yourself feeling more and more confident!

Why is Boudoir Photography So Expensive?

So you decided to take the step and get a quote for your session. However, once you see the quote, you may have an initial bout of sticker shock!  rest assured, there is good reason for this! Take a deep breath and read on in order for me to explain.

Boudoir photography is a very niche type of photography. It varies widely from a typical senior or family session. Because if that, there is a lot more time that goes into a Boudoir shoot. The following will help explain some of the differences. 


Unlike senior and family sessions, boudoir photography takes A LOT more planning. You need to be in continual contact with the client refining the shoot ideas and comfort levels. You may be in a state of routinely reassuring first-time boudoir clients that everything will go great. This time includes populating idea boards and suggesting ideas on a regular basis. A lot more time is spent here than a typical session. 

The Location

In many Boudoir shoots, the client is looking to do the shoot at a location outside of their home. This could be because of privacy or because they want the “full” experience. Typically, a client will ask me to secure the location myself. This is something I prefer as I can look at images of the location (like a hotel or Air BNB) from a photographer’s standpoint. However doing so increases the cost as this is an extra out-of-pocket cost. However, the results are well with the investment. 

The Assistant

Being a male in the Boudoir photography business (see my previous article HERE regarding that topic), I always ensure that there is a female assistant with me at the shoot at all times; this is non-negotiable. This allows me to be 100% hands off during the shoot while she can go in and adjust jewelry or hair. I want you to feel at ease as much as possible and for a shoot like this, that means that we keep our distance. 

The Shoot Time

Again, as compared to other types of shoots, I always plan for extra time for Boudoir shoots. Aside from the time for hair and makeup to be done, it typically takes 30-60 minutes for a client to begin feeling comfortable with their skin in front of the camera. Because of this, we take our time to help relax you. 


What many people fail to realize is that the photographer’s time does not stop at the end of the shoot. Post processing (or image editing) takes a lot of time, especially for a Boudoir shoot. Now, before you think I am doing body morphing, I do not. Each woman deserves to be shown for who she is and the intrinsic beauty that lies in each of them. The edits that I do are for lighting and color adjustments, skin retouching (a lot more skin is shown) and maybe making the eyes pop!  But this does take a lot more time than a typical shoot. You are putting yourself out there so you deserve to look your best!

So as you can see, there are a number of factors that play into the increased costs that separate a good boudoir photographer from a great one. It can be a bit scary to look at a large investment, however remember that you are investing in YOU. Everything during these shoots are meant to help you have an amazing experience that you will be excited to share!

Location, Location, Location!!!

When you look at Boudoir images, what do you see?  Your attention is drawn to the model. You may catch some little things here and there after your eyes dart back and forth across the image a few times (more on this in another article) but ultimately you focus is on the subject. You see their pose, their look and their outfit. Maybe, in the case of a body shot like the abs or lips, it might be how the little details look like water droplets on the abs or maybe a cherry on the lips or tongue. 

The point I am trying to get across is that location is not the most critical thing in a boudoir shoot. Session locations can be almost anywhere. Here are a few examples that might surprise you:

Hotel Rooms


One great location because of its clean and simple look is a hotel room. Most hotels will have white sheets and white comforters which help keep the attention drawn to the model.  There are also windows with privacy curtains that will block visibility but still allow natural light in. If you get a suite, you can also get some beautiful bath tubs and walk-in showers that would make for great shots. 


This is becoming a more popular location as the variety is almost limitless. Plus it allows for additional setting like a kitchen, living area, den, weight room and bedrooms. In many Air BNB locations, they have beautiful bath tubs as well and walk-in showers that would lead to fantastic images. These also make for great locations for mini sessions. The key here is to make sure the owner is OK with pictures taken at the property. 

Your Own Home / A Friend’s Home

In some cases, women will opt for an in-home session. These are the easiest (and most cost effective) locations to shoot from as all of your clothing options are already there. Plus you have the comfort of being in a familiar place during the session. Plus, if you have a pool or hot tub, you can get some amazing shots as well. With these locations, it is always best to send the kids / significant others away during the shoot to allow minimal distractions and potentially the awkward, “what are you doing mommy?” moments. 

Outdoor Locations


Outdoor locations are less common as the people who tend to choose locations like these are very confident in themselves. This is mainly because you have the risk of people passing by. That is, unless, you have a lot of land or know someone who will allow you to shoot on their large property. These locations are normally either wooded or with water. However, an outdoor theme can produce some fantastic images. Just be sure to bring some clothing like jackets and towels for any adverse conditions or water-related shots

Other locations

There are so many other locations that could be used that the chooses are vast. From farms to warehouses, from beaches to garages, the location possibilities are only what your mind can see!  Working together, we can make any of these happen! In any case, each location has its benefits and could lead to a number of great shots. So when you schedule your shoot, think about location and what might work for you!

What to Expect from a Boudoir Session

I thought I would take the time to talk about what you might expect to have happen from a boudoir photo session. Many people believe that it is just a couple of hours shooting and that’s it. That is completely false. There is a good deal that goes into the planning, execution and beyond the photoshoot and that is where all the excitement is to be found.

Let’s take a moment and go over some of the details of a typical shoot starting with the very first thing…

The Initial Contact

The hardest part of the whole thing: making that initial contact. This is where you officially step out of the comfort zone and begin thinking of a Boudoir shoot just for you. Wether it is via an email or by a form submission, this is how you get the process started. During this initial dialog, we will talk about when to schedule the next step…

The Meet-and-Greet

Every boudoir session that I do requires a face to face meeting. This can be done at a local coffee shop, a restaurant or even a virtual meeting online. This allows both of us the opportunity to meet one another and get a feeling if we would work well together for the shoot. There has to be good chemistry between the subject and the photographer for a shoot to go extremely well.

More importantly, this is the time to ask all of the important questions that may be on your mind. The more information you have, the more comfortable you will feel so this is definitely the time to ask about ANYTHING!!!

This is also the time that we will work together to come up with a plan for things like dates, times and location. Locations could be your home, a hotel suite, even an Air BNB rental. We will answer questions like will you have a friend with you, is this a solo shoot or a group shoot and so on. Based on that information I will work up an invoice for the session to send to you regarding the whole photoshoot.

This is also the time when we would typically discuss the various types of poses and clothing that you as the subject would be comfortable with. As always, things are subject to change as you begin to get excited for the big day, but this helps lay a foundation for ideas to begin flowing. From there is is on to…

Pre Planning

This is a personal favorite of mine. Thanks to my wife, I LOVE Pinterest for generating ideas of what to shoot. Along with the ideas from our meet and greet session, I will generate a private Pinterest board that we can both contribute to for ideas. Again, these are just suggestions for what appeals to you or what I would think would work well for you as well.

Also during this period, the invoice will officially be issued and the down payment will be due to help secure dates and reserve venues if needed. The remaining payment can be paid in one lump sum or in installments up to the day of the shoot. That way, you don’t have to break the bank for a session!

During this phase I also highly encourage either shooting me texts or messages with some combinations you have found or if you have questions on anything. An open line of communication is huge at this point in the game, especially as we approach the next phase…

Pre-Shoot Preparation

Typically, a week prior to the shoot is when you as the subject will begin working on preparing for the shoot. Haircuts, waxes, manicures and pedicures, last minute lingerie or jewelry, etc. should be taken care of this last week. That way you are ready to rock and roll. Gather everything into a duffle or small suitcase so you are ready for the next step…

The Big Day

It all comes down to this. All of the planning and stress of getting things together… what am I saying??? You have had a blast looking at ideas and gathering clothing and new lingerie, not to mention pampering yourself with freshly painted nails and such!!! This is where you may feel a bit nervous again on the onset, but trust me, that quickly melts away as we talk through the shoot.

If you had not already met, this is the time that you get to meet my assistant. If you planned for hair and makeup, they would also be onsite to make you over!!! There’s music in the background, some snacks and a little bubbly to help relax you.

Over the next hours, you will be giggling, laughing, feeling sassy and sexy as we go through various poses. Normally, I like to start with more clothing on to help you become more comfortable in front of the camera. Then we will work our way toward more intimate poses. Don’t worry, you are still in control of the situation! Your comfort still takes top priority so if something makes you uncomfortable, we will bypass that. However, stepping out of your comfort zone is always a challenge too. The decision is up to you.

Post Processing

Your work is done now and it is all in my hands. I will go through the hundreds of images and select the best of the best. These images are then fully edited to bring you the cleanest, most jaw dropping images of you that you have ever seen! This process can take time but results in so many WOW reactions! I have heard so many times, “Is that me? I can’t believe that is me!” I have no doubt that you will feel the same. I may even sneak an image to you to wet your appetite and get you excited to see the final shots during…

The Reveal

The reveal for a boudoir session is a special time for any woman. This is where you begin to feel excited and nervous at the same time.

This final step is always done face to face. That is because I want you to feel awesome about what you see and to point out what I live about the images. You will be greeted with a “Little Black Book” keepsake to remember your session that will contain something of, what I feel are the best images from the session. I will also Show you additional shots that were not in the book.

This is also the time where, after reviewing the images, you can make the determination of which images (hopefully all) you will allow me to use for additional promotional material for my work. This can be the full image, no faces, or none at all. My hope is that you see yourself in a way that makes you proud to be you and willing to share it with others!

In Conclusion

There are a lot of moving parts to a boudoir photoshoot. But, it is also one of the most empowering thing a woman can do for herself. She will see herself in a completely different light and not as the “mother of two” or “the overly shy one.” Instead, you will see yourself as sexy, sensual and ready to live life to its fullest! Take that step and see just how good it can make you feel!

Chris Fleck

Christopher Fleck Photography